Hospitalisation Income Shield

Hospitalisation Income Shield

Hospitalisation coverage plan that includes monthly allowance, ICU and overseas benefits.

This plan provides up to RM300 daily income benefit for hospitalisation, RM3,000 monthly living allowance for disablement due to accident, and RM3,000 compassionate allowance.

Premium from

RM 60/Month

10 / 15 / 20 years
16 - 60 years old

What's Covered

  • Death benefit up to RM3,000 + 70% of Total Premiums Paid
  • Hospitalisation daily income up to RM300, including intensive care unit (ICU) and overseas
  • Up to RM3,000 monthly living allowance due to accident up to 180 months
  • Maturity benefit of 70% of Total Premiums Paid

What's not covered

  • Pre-existing illness
  • Suicide, attempted suicide or intentionally self-inflicted Injury
  • Any treatment or surgical operation for congenital conditions
  • Sickness or injury arising from hazardous sports and illegal activities
  • Private flying other than as a fare-paying passenger in any commercial airlines

The list above is non exhaustive, please refer to the Product Disclosure Sheet and Policy Wordings for full coverage and policy exclusions.

The benefit(s) payable under eligible policy/product is(are) protected by PIDM up to limits.

Customize your plan

Choose your comprehensive, affordable, and tailored insurance plan.

  Please enter your age as of your last birthday

Plan Choice:

Compassionate Allowance Benefit
RM 1,500 + 70% of premium paid
RM 3,000 + 70% of premium paid
Daily Hospitalisation Income Benefit
RM 150
RM 300
Monthly Living Allowance - Disablement due to Accident
RM 1,500
RM 3,000
Maturity Benefit
70% return on premium paid
70% return on premium paid
RM 0.0
RM 0.0

Frequently asked questions

The plan provides you a daily income (cash) benefit for each day of hospitalisation. This is aimed at reducing your out-of-pocket expenses should you require hospitalisation. It has other benefits such as daily cash benefit if admitted into the Intensive Care Unit in Malaysia or overseas hospital, monthly living allowance for disablement due to accident, compassionate allowance and maturity benefit. The daily hospitalisation income benefit increases by 5% annually for the entire policy term.

The Daily Hospitalisation Income Benefit will be increased by 5%  of the original Sum Assured annually for the whole term starting from beginning of year 2. For example, for the RM300 plan, the Daily Hospitalisation Income Benefit is RM300 per day of hospitalisation in policy year 1, RM315 per day in year 2, RM330 in year 3 and so on. This unique feature is designed to help you mitigate the risk of inflation.

The Monthly Living Allowance will be payable if you suffer the following loss or disability as the result of an accident within 365 days of the incident:-
  • Total and Permanent Disability (TPD);
  • permanent total loss of sight of both eyes;
  • permanent total loss of sight of one eyes;
  • permanent total loss of speech and hearing;
  • loss of or the permanent loss of use of two limbs;
  • loss of or the permanent loss of use of one limbs;
  • permanent and incurable insanity; or
  • permanent total paralysis.

The benefit payable is subject to your continuous disability throughout the payment period for a maximum of 180 months. The policy will be terminated once the claim is approved.